a girl and her camera

my photography has been an outward manifestation of an inward journey. the journey to be seen fresh and anew as the rising sun of each day. glowing in brilliance, with the past behind me, and the excitement of a future unknown. we all long to be seen through the lens of another that won’t judge us, but accept us for the vision and beauty that we possess, right here, right now. with every image, we carry the power to make the ordinary extraordinary, and breathe new life into that which otherwise may be overlooked.

i thank God for the unique opportunity to change the world around me by showing you the world that i see. my vision is an instrument of change, memorializing the precious details in life for all times. just like every image has angles that abound, each different from the rest, so too do people have many sides to them, unique in their own right. may all of our eyes be open enough to also see their beauty.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Meet the Nash's!!!

God certainly showed up and showed out at Samaki and Steve's wedding today! In a string of rainy days, today, the sun was nothing short of brilliant as these two said their vows at the Piper Palm House in Tower Grove Park, St. Louis, MO. And everything from start to finish ran smoothly without a hitch, thanks to their wonderful wedding coordinators Harmony Events (melanie.anderson@sbcglobal.net). And, as typical for my personality, I of course befriended the husband/wife due, Armand and Lolita Buford, the wonderful videographers (www.exousiaprod.com). This was truly a photographer's dream wedding- perfect weather, fabulous couple, great vendors and the presence of God.

I know God will bless this couple for years to come! Here are some of my favorite images from today! Enjoy!


Monday, October 20, 2008

Josh and Rachel are Engaged!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We could not have asked for better weather for Josh and Rachel as we took their engagement pictures at Missouri Botanical Garden in St. Louis, MO! It had to be almost 70 degrees, and just perfect!

I always enjoy hanging out with a carefree couple that will allow my imagination to soar! Their wedding will be August 22, 2009 in Kansas City, and I look forward to it!!!!


Sunday, October 19, 2008

2008 Taekwondo State Championships!

To view more State Tournament photos, visit my Photobucket here! Some of the sparring images are blurry due to the super lightning fast action (smile) going on. Enjoy!

Today was the 2008 State Championships for Grandmaster Han's martial arts, in Rolla, MO. There was board breaking, fellowship, board breaking, sparring, board breaking, demonstrations . . . and did I mention board breaking! My fellow martial artists are amazing - its always a good time! Another student and I talked about how cool our organization is because of the amazing camaraderie and sportsmanship . . . whether you win or lose.

I began taking taekwondo when I graduated from college, initially because I needed something to do after work (summer internship), and had considered self defense. My dad, a former military man, thought I would really enjoy taekwondo - boy was he right. I started at a school in Columbia, MO, where I tested either once or twice (?), and then I moved to St. Louis for law school. I had just finished my first semester in law school, and was working out in the rec center over Christmas break with a friend. I remember going to get a drink and seeing a girl in a taekwondo uniform and I sorta followed her to ask her where she was taking classes. Very excited, she eagerly led me to the room where I met my dear instructors, Fernando and Abi Borrego. 7 years and several belts later, the rest is history. . .

Martial arts has been such an amazing outlet for me - for peace, strength, energy, and confidence (and a great stress reliever from law school!). If you are ever interested, please feel free to contact me, or check out the group I train with, at http://www.younwha.com/

See you on the floor....


Saturday, October 18, 2008

Henry is soooo BIG!

I can't believe it . . . I have literally and truly watched this family grow from Belly to Baby . . . Little Henry is soo much fun, and it's been such an honor and privilege watching him grow, he's changed so much from when I met him at 8 days old.

Today we did his 1 year birthday pictures - he's just so adorable and clearly quite comfortable in front of the camera. Such a fun baby!

I am so thankful for Kalin and Doug, and the honor of sharing in these precious moments in their family. I pray I get to continue to watch this family continue to grow, both from in front of and behind the lens.

God Bless,


Thursday, October 16, 2008

Happy 40th Birthday Zeta Zeta!!!

Here are some more pictures from Zeta Zeta's 40th Anniversary and Homecoming!

October 3-5 was the Homecoming of my alma mater, Truman State University in Kirksville, MO (about 3 hours from St. Louis). It was also the 40th year campus anniversary for my fabulous sorority, Delta Sigma Theta (Zeta Zeta chapter), 1968-2008, and still going strong! Sorors traveled from near and far to all celebrate - always a good time "remember when" and marveling at all the luxuries and perks the current students now have.

OO-oop to all of my beautiful sorors!
