a girl and her camera

my photography has been an outward manifestation of an inward journey. the journey to be seen fresh and anew as the rising sun of each day. glowing in brilliance, with the past behind me, and the excitement of a future unknown. we all long to be seen through the lens of another that won’t judge us, but accept us for the vision and beauty that we possess, right here, right now. with every image, we carry the power to make the ordinary extraordinary, and breathe new life into that which otherwise may be overlooked.

i thank God for the unique opportunity to change the world around me by showing you the world that i see. my vision is an instrument of change, memorializing the precious details in life for all times. just like every image has angles that abound, each different from the rest, so too do people have many sides to them, unique in their own right. may all of our eyes be open enough to also see their beauty.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Seasons "in-between"

As we come to the close of another year I reflect on the numerous "moments" I've been privileged to capture. Senior year pictures, engagements, weddings, mommies-to-be and newborn babies, anniversaries and special occasions. And I'm blessed to have been an intimate part of all of this. Yet, i doubt any of us would deny there's more to life than these milestone moments, there's all the "in-between" moments that we don't capture.

"in-between we’ve learned more about ourselves

about God, and His love for us

in-between we’ve learned more about love

that it is not a feeling, but an action

a journey

in-between we’ve grown up

we’ve made friends

lost friends

brought together friends

in-between we’ve tested ourselves

been tested by others

that we may be found worthy of

all and who God’s given

in-between we’ve laughed

we’ve cried, we’ve smiled

we’ve fallen and stood up again

while others may not celebrate

every calendar-day we live, we know

there is life, there is love

there is growth, there is change

that is still worthy to be captured

. . . in-between . . ." (lpw 12/26/08)

I'd be honored to capture your "In-Between" moments. lesliewallacephoto@gmail.com

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